The home features a 7.2 kW DC (6.8 kW AC) solar panel array, consisting of 24 LG Solar 300 watt micro-inverter panels. Each panel converts it’s own output from DC to AC so that there is no central larger DC to AC inverter necessary. You can expect with typical household usage to produce approximately 75-85% of your year electricity consumption. The panels are owned outright and will convey without encumbrance or liens. Additionally, Iowa City does not count the panels in assessing property taxes.
The current interconnection agreement with MidAmerican Energy results in a 1-for-1 offset of electricity produced, and are banked month-to-month. If, at the end of each year in the month of April, there is a credit balance, MidAmerican will pay out the remaining banked energy units at an avoided rate. In the process of installing the solar array, home electrical was upgrade to a 200 amp service panel and some in home wiring updated.
Solar output monitoring currently relies on a LG energy monitor with web interface, but also an Emporia Energy system is used to monitor whole home energy use, in addition to the solar.